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By: Charry Morris: Certified Yoga Instructor
Designer of the Yoga Weight Loss System

What to Expect When You Start Doing Yoga

How are you supposed to start doing yoga when you can’t touch your toes and don’t have the right clothes? Not to mention, you are carrying some extra weight and can’t even see your toes and can’t even fit into the right clothes. How are you supposed to get off the couch and onto a yoga mat when you can barely breathe?

Do you get anxiety from even the thought about going into the public?

There are 2 main options for starting a yoga practice. There are 2 main options for starting a new life. You can grin and bear it and get into a pair of comfy sweats, head to the gym and find a yoga class, or you can do it at home. Both options are going to take will power and effort. The gym option is clearly the more public way to go. The home option is the safest and “easiest” way to go, but again, both paths are going to take a lot of guts, courage and motivation.

In the beginning, you don’t know what anything should feel like, look like, or be like. Therefore, the beginning is actually the best time. The start of any new venture, or adventure, fills you with awe and wonder. It is a time to just feel and not know. This is the time when you can let go of any sense of being an expert and just experience the here and now. This is the most raw and authentic time.

Enjoy it and keep trying to come back to it as you progress.

Once you literally force yourself into action, you will start to notice certain things. For example, you will come up against tight muscles. This is a good thing. Thank your muscles for talking to you. You are alive. Listen to them, but don’t let them take over. Tell them how to behave.

Endeavor and practice.

Notice how the back talk starts to decrease as you show them who is in charge- mindfully and compassionately.

You may start to notice that your balance is off, that you are weaker on one side or the other, or that you are “good” at forward bending but not so “good” at backward bending. You may start to notice and become intrigued by your breathing- or lack thereof.

All of the things you start to notice and witness as a “beginner” are the makings of your own personal roadmap. From this roadmap you launch into deeper waters with a growing understanding that you are completely perfect just as you are.

You may feel as though you want to shed some more pounds, or get stronger, or work on your balance, but at least now you know where you are, and at the deepest inner essence, who you really are.

You are perfect.

Enjoy the journey and always be a “beginner”.

Your Yoga Instructor,

Designer: Yoga Weight Loss System.

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